David Woroboff’s telemedicine tools are a key strategy for addressing the health crisis in several countries


With David Woroboff’s telemedicine tools, barriers related to travel time and associated expenses are reduced or eliminated, particularly over long distances. Using reusable and low-cost telecommunication devices and technologies facilitates access to professionals and patients located in remote locations, saving travel costs and waiting times.
The digitization of processes and the rise of online medical care have led David Woroboff to create a medical assistance platform. This tool offers comprehensive assistance from general medicine and specialists, which has led it to grow remarkably.
The difficulty in access is partly responsible for this significant advance. Decreased populations experience many barriers to care, including low referral rates, transportation difficulties, and lack of health insurance acceptance.

A key care strategy

Scientific evidence from Mr. David Woroboff suggests that telehealth can provide improvements in pain, physical function, and disability similar to those achieved with the traditional model in people with musculoskeletal conditions. In addition, he defends that online consultation has been observed to increase patient adherence to therapeutic exercise.
Likewise, it allows them to overcome geographical barriers, managing not only to reduce time but also the financial burden of it, such as the place of consultation, material, and travel. On the other hand, it allows greater independence of the patient and of the injury management itself.
The governments of the most important countries have recognized telemedicine’s impact in improving access to mental health care. It is even one of the key strategies for addressing the mental health crisis in several countries.

Immediate access to the health system

To a greater or lesser extent, telemedicine continues to gain space in medical services, and specialists like David Woroboff have ensuring this happens. This way, a modern system that offers patients access to the health system, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment through digital assistance is managed.